Urban animal

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Photos: Pretty Mess

shirt: Gina Tricot /Karkalis PR*| pants: Gina Tricot/ Karkalis PR* | heels: Primark | jacket: Steve Madden | vest: H&M | necklace: SIX

Culotte and neoprene jacket

Saturday, November 15, 2014

ENG: After I saw it on so many blogs and in magazines, I couldn't resist the culotte any longer. I searched in many onlineshops and finally found a black culotte with a hight waist fit at Asos. A black pants is a save desicion, because you can easily style it. With a printed jacket or colorful blouse you can create an eyecatcher look in no time. I decided to go for summer colors a last time this year and that's why I wore my new Tom Tailor neoprene biker jacket, which is from the Spring Summer 2015 collection. And how about you? Do you like culottes?
DE: Nachdem ich sie nun schon auf so vielen Blogs und in Magazinen gesichtet habe, konnte ich der Culotte irgendwann nicht mehr wiederstehen. Ich habe mehrere Onlineshops durchsucht, um bei Asos, das ideale Modell in schwarz und mit höher liegendem Bund, zu finden. In schwarz ist eine sichere Entscheidung, da die Hose einfacher zu stylen ist. Mit geprinteten Jacken oder farbigen Blusen, kann man sehr schöne eyecatcher Looks erstellen. Ich habe mich entschieden noch einmal sommerliche Farben zu tragen und daher meine Neopren Biker Jacke aus der Spring Summer 2015 Kollektion von Tom Tailor dazu kombiniert.Wie sieht es mit euch aus? Mögt ihr Culottes?

Photos: Pretty Mess

culotte: Asos | top: H&M | jacket: Tom Tailor* | shoes: Zara | belt: Bijou Brigitte* | bag: Fritzi aus Preußen* | 


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Casual Wear for Women Business

Friday, November 14, 2014

 The first step to finding the perfect work shoes is picking the shoes that are comfortable to walk in. Thus, it is essential to ensure that you get the correct size that does not cramp your toe. Next, opt for 2-inch heels or kitten heels instead of the stilettos. While a classic black or beige colored shoe is perfect to be worn to office, you can try other neutral color as well. Do not get carried away by a riot of colors. Durability of the shoes is another important criterion that you should keep in mind.
 The next important accessory is a handbag or business briefcase that most working women carry to their offices in today's times. It is no secret that women love bags. However, a handbag that looks good to the eyes may not suit you. Thus, it is essential to carry a handbag that flatters your body shape and height and complements the women's clothing or women's apparel that you are wearing. To give a few pointers - small-framed women should carry smaller handbags, just as taller women should carry longer handbags.

A fashionista is incomplete without her accessories - be it the shoes, handbags, jewelry items or time pieces. This statement holds true for a working woman as well who can easily add a wow factor to her look by personalizing her business casual wear with appropriate accessories. In fact, once you have landed your dream job, you should make all the more effort to look both stylish as well as professional in your workspace.

Casual Wedding Dress

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wedding is a very special affair and even in few years ago, people used to plan and prepare its dresses taking months together. Those were the days when wearing formal traditional wedding dresses was almost mandatory. But, with change in lifestyle and people's attitude towards social ethos, formal bridal dresses are gradually receding giving way to the next generation casual wedding dresses.

Shifting of marriage venues from churchyards to backyards has also contributed greatly in encouraging using casual wedding dresses. If you are planning to solemnize your much awaited marriage ceremony secretly in an isolated island, will you bother to go for the minute details of a formal nuptial? Collecting short informal dresses will certainly be your first preference then. Such informal dresses have their inherent advantages over their counterparts. Opportunity of creating one's own personalized wedding dresses also exists with the casual wedding attires. Seeing great potential, designers and manufacturers are also now days busy developing exotic and relaxing casual marriage dresses.

Heels, Heels, Heels

Friday, November 14, 2014

We all know that height is crucial for models, so when attending a casting, models typically follow one rule: The bigger the heels, the better. Aside from adding inches of height, heels also typically make the wearer’s body appear much more elongated – it’s not surprising models are always wearing them.

The lesson here? Even when worn with the most casual outfit, a good pair of heels can make your body look longer and leaner, and also pull your outfit together.

So using models as inspiration, think about investing in some casual heels and sporting them a little more often. (But use your own judgment and factor in practicality – obviously, we’re not recommending wearing 6-inch platforms to class if they’re uncomfortable for you.) In particular, check out wedges and espadrilles, as they can make you appear long, lean, and modelesque, without making you sacrifice comfort.

It’s All in the Details

Friday, November 14, 2014

It’s no secret that models are heavily scrutinized; their every inch is constantly being viewed under the most unforgiving microscope. As a result, part of their job includes paying attention to even the smallest details of their physical appearance.
Us non-models can be thankful that we don’t have to live with such intense pressure, but there is a lesson to be learned here as well – sometimes it’s the smallest details that make the biggest difference in our overall appearance.

For instance, a model must always get a flawless manicure before a shoot, show or casting. This gives off a put-together vibe and a sense that the girl respects her appearance. So take a cue from this, and even if today is a strictly-yoga-clothes day (we all have them), rocking a fresh manicure, or perfectly groomed eyebrows for example, will elevate how well others perceive your overall look.

Bare Makeup

Friday, November 14, 2014

Just as designers prefer models to come to castings in the most basic clothes, they also often want to see a bare face or very simple makeup on a girl. Basic makeup allows th
Similarly, in your own day-to-day life, although there are definitely times that call for a bright red lip or a dramatic smoky eye, a simple, clean face can be refreshing. Additionally, with the warmer months coming up, a natural makeup look is low-maintenance, meaning it will leave you worry-free, even when sweating under the sun or playing around at the beach.
A bare makeup look generally includes some lightweight foundation where needed or even a tinted moisturizer if you need less coverage, concealer, bronzer, and a few strokes of mascara.
ose in charge of casting to really see a model’s features, whereas bold or elaborate makeup can be distracting.

Simple Dress

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dress Shape
Ask your sales consultant for direction on what works for your body type.
A very tall bride may not want to wear a straight, slim dress. This may call more attention to your height than you prefer.
 Look for options that balance you on top and bottom.
A-line dresses are universally flattering.
Draw attention to your best features and away from your worst.
 If you have larger hips, look for a dress that skims them rather than hugs them.
If you have a larger top than bottom look for simplicity at the neckline and embellishment at the hip. A great option for you is the ball gown.

Auditioning and Your Wardrobe - Casual Dress

Friday, November 14, 2014

As with the headshot industry, what one wears to an audition is another changing landscape an actor strolls upon and should be a question revisited frequently. But, for our purposes today we'll focus on what's appropriate now.

#getnaked with Herbal Essences

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

DE: Ihr kennt es sicher schon aus der Werbung: Herbal Essences hat eine neue Pflege-Serie, die Volumen, Feuchtigkeits- und Glanzshampoo sowie eine Glanzspülung umfasst. Mir wurde die Clearly Naked Reihe zum testen zur Verfügung gestellt. 
Wieso die Serie Clearly Naked heißt? Weil 0 % Parabene, 0 % Silikone und 0 % Farbstoffe in den Shampoos drin sind. Die Spülung kommt allerdings nicht ohne Silkone aus, da sollte man sich nicht von dem Namen irritieren lassen.

Herbal hat den stylischen geschwungen Flaschen ein modernen Look verpasst und durch die Deckel lässt sich alles problemlos dosieren. Man benötigt auch nur wenig von der Gel-artigen Konsistenz, da sie sehr gut schäumt.

Sie glättet die Haaroberfläche und sorgt somit für glänzendes Haar. So zumindest die Theorie. Ich konnte keinen besonderen Glanz-Unterschied feststellen. Dennoch ist es mein Lieblingsprodukt aus der Serie, da die Haare sehr gründlich reinigt und sie nicht mehr so schnell nachfetten.
Zudem ist der Duft aus eine Mischung aus weißem Tee und Minz-Extrakten und riecht auch nach dem trocknen sehr angenehm, ohne penetrant zu sein.

Nach Gebrauch des Shampoos fühlt sich das Haar tatsächlich leicht fülliger an, als sonst. Die größere Stärke ist der frische und dezente Duft nach Grapefruit und Minz-Extrakten.

Es reinigt sanft und duftete dabei nach Kräuter- und Minz-Exktrakten. Dieses Shampoo habe ich bisher noch nicht sehr ausgiebig getestet, sodass ich euch leider nichts genaues zur Wirkung sagen kann.

Fazit: Die Serie kommt ohne schädliche oder schwer abbaubare Inhaltsstoffe aus. Es eignet sich gut für die Tiefenreinigung, duftet sehr schön und langanhaltend, sodass man schnell ebenso in Verzückung geraten kann, wie die stöhnenden Frauen aus der früheren Herbal Essences Werbung ;)

Habt ihr die Produkte auch schon ausprobiert?

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Herbal Essences unterstützt.

Travel with Style

Monday, November 10, 2014

DE: Ich habe in den letzten Jahren einen wirklich großen Kofferverschleiß hinter mir. Was auch nicht besonders verwunderlich ist, wenn man versucht zusätzlich zu einer Laptoptasche, einer Kameratasche und einer vollgepackten Shopperbag, auch noch einen 40 Kilo schweren Koffer voller Schuhe und Pailettenkleider eine endlos lange Treppe runter zu tragen. Irgendwann versagen die Kräfte und man schleift den Koffer nur noch die Stufen runter. Auf diese Weise habe ich  es geschafft, gleich mehrere Koffer unbrauchbar zu machen. Seitdem bin ich auf der Suche nach einem, der nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch etwas mitmacht.
Dabei bin ich auf die Marke Tumi gestoßen. Stylisch sehen sie ja schon mal aus. Bei einem kurzen Trip von Hamburg nach München durfte mich Tumi auch begleiten und hat mich vollends überzeugt. Nur den Härtetest Fashionweek müsste er noch überstehen, um  zu meinem allerliebsten Reisebegleiter zu werden.

Photos: Lukas

jacket: Arma* | dress: H&M  | shoes: cos | suitcase: Tumi* | glasses: LeSpecs* | rings: H&M / I AM | earrings: I AM

Vielen Dank an Fashionroyal PR dafür das Bereitstellen der Samples für die Fotos.

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