The journey of a woman

Monday, January 28, 2013


Photos: Lynn

skirt: Romwe | shirt: H&M Trend | Heels: Nelly | Necklace: Anna dello Russo for H&M  

Made to measure dress

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ENG: I love to dress up for an event, especially if the occasion allows me to wear a cocktail dress. I have a few nice party dresses in my wardrobe, but now I have added a really special piece to it. I received my first custom made dressed ever from Msdressy. It's nice to have a dress made with my own measurements.
Msdressy has many prom, evening and cocktail dresses. My favorite category are the celebrity dresses. That's where I found this one-shoulder dress, singer and actress Demi Lovato wore at the American Music Awards. I love the shape of the neckline and the attatched floor-length shawl on one side of the back.
Ps. Check out the message on the soles of my new Zara heels. Isn't that adorable?

DE: Ich mag es mich für ein Event aufzustylen, vor allem wenn der Anlass nach einem Cocktailkleid verlangt. In meinem Schrank finden sich einige tolle Abendkleider, aber nun ist ein ganz besonderes hinzugekommen. Ich habe von Msdressy mein erstes maßgefertigtes Kleid bekommen.
Msdressy hat viele Kleider für besondere Anlässe. Meine Lieblingskategorie sind die Celebrity dresses. Dort habe ich dieses Schulterfreie Kleid entdeckt, welches Sängerin/ Schauspielerin Demi Lovato zu den American Music Awards getragen hat. Mir gefallen die Form des Dekolletés und der am Kleid befestigte bodenlange Schal.
P.S.: Seht euch die tolle Message auf den Sohlen meiner neuen Zara Sandaletten an. Bezaubernd oder?

photos: Lukas

dress: | heels: Zara | necklace: H&M

Stillness of the lake

Sunday, January 6, 2013

photos: Lukas

coat: My own design | sweater: Cubus | leggings: H&M Trend | necklace: Cubus | Sneaker-wedges: New Yorker

Top tips for buying a handbag

Friday, January 4, 2013

If there’s one accessory that every girl loves, it’s a fabulous new handbag. Yet when it comes to this must-have wardrobe item – it’s really not a case of one size fits all. From classy little clutches to oversized satchels, there are a huge variety of handbags available to suit any outfit and any social scene.  

If you’re on the prowl for a new bag, or looking to update your current collection, here’s the ultimate guide to buying a new handbag: 

A handbag is one of those items that you need to invest in. It’s very hard to get away with a cheap or poor quality bag. Plastic based bag materials are also very hard to conceal, as is bad quality imitation leather. You don’t need to spend a fortune, but you do need to check that the bag wont fall apart after a few wears 

There is an age-old rule that says a girl must always match their handbag colour to their shoes. While these old “fashion mantras” aren’t as rigid as they were in decades past, it’s still a good thing to keep in mind, particularly when avoiding colours and shades that clash.  

If you tend to always wear brown boots, a black leather handbag won’t match seamlessly like a brown leather one will. On the other hand, if you tend to always wear dark clothing, a brightly coloured handbag is just the thing to liven up any outfit.  Red is a great for adding a splash of colour to a little black dress, and also works perfectly when matched with a nautical themed outfit that is bang on trend this season.  

The size of your handbag is usually dictated by what you intend to use it for. Clutches are best suited for things like formal occasions or when heading on a night out with friends. The small size is perfect for fitting in all of the necessities for a great night out – lipstick, car keys, phone and a purse. 

On the other end of the spectrum, some of the other popular hand bag styles that take up a little more room include the Tote Bag (medium to large sized, perfect for a day spent shopping with friends), the Duffle Bag (ideal for stuffing in gym clothes or taking for a sleep over) or the Bucket bag, shaped much like its name suggests and ideal for adding a bit of shape and structure to your outfit.  


Behind the veil

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ENG: First I want to wish you all a happy new yearfull of joy, health, luck and happiness.
Now that this is said, there is something i have to let out...

Have you already seen the last Gossip Girl season? It was always my fav series, but this final episode was awful... two weddings in one season and everybody involved in the series ends up with the love of this life? This is a much too happy happy-end or me. So now that the veil was droppes and GG unmasked, the series is over for good. As I am still ill and meant to cure myself at home, do you have any recommendations which movies or series (similar to GG) are worth being watched?

DE: Zuerst möchte ich euch ein frohes Neues Jahr mit viel Freude, Gesundheit und Glück wünschen.
Nun da dies gesagt ist, muss ich etwas loswerden...

Habt ihr die letzte Staffel Gossip Girl gesehen? Es war immer meine Lieblingsserie, aber die finale Folge war einfach grauenhaft... zwei Hochzeiten in einer Folge und jeder Hauptdarsteller der Serie ist glücklich mit der Liebe seines Lebens? Das ist eindeutig zu viel des Happy Ends für mich. Nun da der Schleier gelüftet wurde und Gossip Girls Identität enthüllt worden ist, wird es keine neuen Episoden mehr geben. Da ich mich noch zu Hause kurieren muss, wollte ich wissen, ob ihr mir irgendwelche GG-ähnlichen Filme oder Serien empfehlen könnt?

 photos: Pretty Mess

jacket: New Yorker | top: H&M | leggings: via Otto | beanie: DIY | accessories: via ebay

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