Stylight Fashion Blogger Awards Berlin

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ENG: When I received an invitation for the Stylight Fashion Blogger Awards in Berlin, I instantly knew that I will go there. It is not such a fun, if you have to go alone, though, so I contacted Fiorella from Fashionrella, which also had received an invitation and we drove there together with Julia from N°.93 Blog. I didn't knew the girls before, but I didn't regret asking them. It was really funny with them.
Before we show, we went to the blogger event from Glam and had our hair done at the drybar.
Chiara Ferragni from the Blonde Salad was the Host of the show. She looked a little jet-lagged after her long flight from LA to Berlin though. The co-presenter Raul Richter spoke a not so perfect English. Kayture Bloggerin Kristina Bazan did a better job, when she was shown from the backstage area and did a short interview with Make-Up artist Boris Entrup. I was lucky to meet her after the show. She is very professional and still such a sweetheart
The swedish Blogger Andreas Wijk performed a cover song and one he has written himself.

The winners of the evening were:
Most promising fashion blog: Negin Mirsalehi 
Best style fashion blog: Aida Domenech  
Most creative fashion blog: Lousie Ebel
Most influential fashion blog: Kenza Zouiten 

On the After party at Prince Charles Fio, Julia and I celebrated with Maria from Vanilla Jungle.
I have captured a lot of that day in the video. You need to check it out. Especially the scene with Chiara and Raul ("It's Chanel"). Have fun watching!

DE: Als ich eine Einladung zu den Stylight Fashion Blogger Awards in Berlin erhielt, war ich sofort entschlossen hinzufahren. Nur alleine ist es nicht lustig. Ich habe gesehen, dass Fiorella von Fashionrella ebenfalls eine Einladung bekommen hat und schrieb sie an und so fuhren wir schließlich zusammen mit Julia von N°.93 Blog hin.Ich kannte die Mädels vorher nicht persönlich, aber ich habe es nicht bereut. Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht mit den beiden.
Bevor wir zum Fashionweek Zelt fuhren, ließen wir uns beim Bloggerevent von Glam an der Drybar noch die Haare machen. 
Host der Show war Chiara Ferragni von the Blonde Salad, die nach ihrem Flug aus LA leider ziemlich gejetlagged aussah. Ihr Co-Moderator Raul Richter sprach leider nicht ganz so perfektes Englisch, um es mal vorsichtig auszudrücken. Viel besser präsenierte sich Kayture Bloggerin Kristina Bazan bei einem kurzen Interview mit Boris Entrup im Backstagebereich. Ich hatte auch das Glück sie nachher noch zu treffen. Sie hat eine wirklich tolle Präsenz, wirkt sehr professionell und trotzdem super lieb. 
Der schwedische Blogger Andreas Wijk performte einen gecoverten Song und einen den er selbst geschrieben hat. Mir hat der Auftritt sehr gut gefallen.

Die Gewinner des Abends waren:
Most promising fashion blog: Negin Mirsalehi 
Best style fashion blog: Aida Domenech  
Most creative fashion blog: Lousie Ebel
Most influential fashion blog: Kenza Zouiten 

Auf der After-party  im PrinceCharles feierten Fio, Julia und Ich noch mit Maria von Vanilla Jungle. Auch einige der Gewinner und Nomminierten ließen sich dort blicken. 
Im Video habe ich so einiges von dem Tag für euch festgehalten. Vor allem die Szene mit Chiara und Raul ("It's Chanel"müsst ihr gesehen haben. Viel Spaß beim anschauen.

 event, fashionblogger, berlin, fashion week 2014, blowdrybar, hair,, get together,, event, get together, fashionblogger, fashionrella, no93 blog julia, berlin fashion week 2014, blowdrybar, hair,
berli, fashionweek, tent, zelt, February 2014, stylight fashionblogger awards, location, event,
ootd, my own design blouse, tropical print, mesh, lion necklace, leather skirt, fashionblogger, hamburg, berlin, stylight fashionblogger awards, fashionweek berlin 2014,
ootd, my own design blouse, tropical print, mesh, lion necklace, leather skirt, fashionblogger, hamburg, berlin, stylight fashionblogger awards, fashionrella, fiorella, no93 blog, Julia haghjoo, fashionweek berlin 2014, gelbes H&M Trend Top / Pullover
ootd, my own design blouse, tropical print, mesh, lion necklace, leather skirt, fashionblogger, hamburg, berlin, stylight fashionblogger awards, fashionweek berlin 2014, Kayture, Kristina Bazan, featherjacket, Federjacke,
Kristina Bazan from Kayture
host, chiara ferragni, raul richter, stylight fashionblogger awards, berlin 2014, fashionweek, chanel shoes, event, fashionblogger,
kenza zouiten, stylight fashionblogger award, berlin 2014, kenzas, fashionweek, winner, white jumpsuit, most infulential fashion blog, event,
Most influential fashion blog: Kenza Zouiten 
andreas wijk, performance, live, stylight fashion blogger awards, singer, berlin 2014, fashionweek, highlight,
Andreas Wijk
andreas wijk, performance, live, stylight fashion blogger awards, singer, berlin 2014, fashionweek, highlight,
chiara ferragni, host, live, stylight fashion blogger awards, winner, berlin 2014, fashionweek, event,louise ebel, most creative fashionblog
Most creative fashion blog: Lousie Ebel
mavi, brand, fashionshow, denim, jeans, collection, catwalk, stylight fashion awards 2014, berlin fashion week
mavi, brand, fashionshow, denim, jeans, collection, catwalk, denim on denim, stylight fashion awards 2014, berlin fashion week
Mavi Fall/winter 2014
Stylight fashion blogger awards, fiorella, fashionrella, julia haghjoo, no93 blog, vanilla jungle, maria, catwalk, event, berlin, 2014, fashionweek, backstage
Fiorella, Maria, Julia and I
Mariano di vaio, stylight fashion blogger awards, 2014, berlin, after party, lion necklace, event, fashionweek
With Mariano Di Vaio
kenza zouiten, stylight fashionblogger award, berlin 2014, kenzas, tropical print, my owndesign, blouse, fashionweek, winner, white jumpsuit, most infulential fashion blog, event,
With Kenza Zouiten
Stylight fashion blogger awards, fiorella, fashionrella, julia haghjoo, no93 blog, vanilla jungle, maria, catwalk, event, berlin, 2014, fashionweek, after party

photos: Me / Maria / Fiorella 

my outfit for the event:
blouse: my own design | skirt: H&M | shoes: Deichmann

I'm busy (making statements)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, aztec, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger., splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag,

ENG: For Spring 2014 some designers showed sweaters and shirts with statements. The sheer sweatshirts at Alexander Wang had "Parental Advisory. Explicit content" written across the chest, Vivienne Westwood and Kenzo headed in a political direction and used their spring /summer 2014 collection to make people aware of pollution and overfishing. The statements were more playful at Jeremy Scott ("I'm a mess) and Ashish, who obviously found inspiration in Coca Cola.
Since I already developed a weakness for statement beanies (here and here) and Shirts (here), I had no problems to appreciate this new trend. I found this mesh sweater with "I'm busy" logo on sale at H&M and prefer to wear it to work so I can show my employer, that I'm always hardworking ;)
And what statements do you make with your clothes?

DE: Für Frühjahr 2014 zeigten einige Designer Oberteile mit Statementsprüchen. Die transparenten Sweatshirts bei Alexander Wang waren im Brustbereich mit "Parental Advisory. Explicit content" beschriftet,Vivienne Westwood und Kenzo nutzen ihre Frühjahr / Sommer 2014 Kollektion, um die Menschen auf Umweltverschutzung und Überfischung aufmerksam zu machen. Etwas verspieltere Schriftzüge sah man bei Jeremy Scott ("I'm a mess") und auch Ashish, der anscheinend Inspiration an Coca Cola gefunden hat. 
Ich habe bereits eine Schwäche für Aussagekräftige Beanies (hier und hier) und Shirts (hier) entwickelt, da fällt es mir natürlich sehr leicht mich auch mit diesem Trend anzufreunden. Den Meshpullover mit "I'm busy" Schriftzug, habe ich bei H&M im Schlussverkauf ergattert und trage ihn am liebesten zur Arbeit, wo er meinen Arbeitgeber mitteilt, dass ich stets fleißig am arbeiten bin ;)
Und welche Statements macht ihr mit euren Outfits?

fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag,  hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag,  hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag,  hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger, bijou brigitte triangle necklace,
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.
fashionblogger, haburg, germany, mode blogger, style blogger. fake fur, H&M, splash jeans, print pants, black azora chelsea boots, asos, &otherstories bag, hair bun.

Photos: Chrischo

Jacket: Vintage | sweater: H&M | pants: H&M Trend | boots: Asos | bag: &otherstories | necklace: Bijou Brigitte | scarf: Monari

Shop the Look

Jellyfish leggings

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ENG: This was my outfit for the Blogger Bazaar in Hamburg. When I want a cozy look, there is nothing better than leggings and an oversize shirt. Do you like this kind of fluffy sweaters and cardigan. They can be found in almost every store right now and I fell for this pastel colored one.

DE: Dies habe ich zum Blogger Bazaar in Hamburg getragen. Wenn ich es bequem haben will sind Leggings und Oversizehemd einfach meine Lieblingskombi. Wie gefallen euch solche kuscheligen Pullover und Cardigans? Momentan findet man sie in fast jedem Laden und ich bin diesem pastellfarbenem sofort verfallen.

photos: Pretty Mess

cardigan: Cubus | shirt: H&M | leggings: Sammydress| backpack: River Island |  boots: Roland | bracelet: oasap | necklace: H&M / Cubus 

Shop the look

Blogger Bazaar Hamburg

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,

ENG: When I met the Blogger Bazaar girls during an event, they asked me if I want to participate and I agreed. I sounded like a flea market, but it was so much better. The visitors received a fully packed goddybag, Häagen Dasz Ice, Champagne, there were giveaways and of course a lot of treasures from their favorite bloggers. The Dj was awesome and made it hard for Lynn and me to stand still behind our table. Together with other bloggers from Hamburg and the Blogger Bazaar Team we rocked that event. Jules Mumm and Gin Hendricks did the rest to lift the spirits. After the bazaar, I really wanted to go to the After-Party, but I when I arrived at home, to change clothes I could only master to put my PJ's on and fall happy and tired in my bed. It was a very long day.
I liked the event so much, that in January I even visited the blogger Bazaar in Berlin. I will show you pictures and a video soon and let you know which I liked more.
DE: Als ich die Mädels vom BloggerBazaar bei einem Event getroffen habe und sie mich fragten, ob ich nicht beim Bazaar in Hamburg dabei sein möchte, habe ich zugesagt. Es hörte sich nach einer Art Flohmarkt mit Bloggerfreunden an, doch es war viel mehr als das. Für die Besucher gab es prall gefüllte Goodiebags, Häagen Dazs Eis, Sekt, es gab Gewinnspiele und natürlich einige Schätze und Schnäppchen ihrer Lieblingsblogger zu ergattern. Der Dj war in Bestform und so konnten meine Standpartnerin Lynn und Ich kaum stillhalten. Zusammen mit vielen anderen Bloggern aus der Hansestadt und den verrückten Blogger Bazaar Mädels haben wir das ganze ordentlich gerockt. Jules Mumm und Gin Hendricks taten ihr übriges, um die Stimmung so richtig anzukurbeln. Nach dem Bazaar war ich in bestlaune und hatte zwar unheimlich Lust auf die After-Party im Mondoo, aber als ich zu Hause ankam, um die Sachen abzulegen und mich umzuziehen, war ich nur noch im Stande meine Pyjama überzuziehen und ins Bett zu fallen. Irgendwie war ich dann doch zu geschafft von dem langen Tag.  
Da mir das Event so gut gefallen hat, habe ich im Januar dem Blogger Bazaar in Berlin ebenfalls einen Besuch abgestattet. Demnächst zeige ich euch davon Bilder und Videos und verrate euch, welcher Bazaar mir besser gefallen hat.

Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,

Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,
Blogger Bazaar, Hamburg, Lynn's pretty mess, ain't now wifey, modeblogger, fashion blogger, germany blogger event,

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